In business, being unique isn’t just a good thing, it’s critical. Every brand needs their unique selling proposition.
A unique selling proposition is a marketing concept that sparked from advertising in the early 40s. The term was conceived to define patterns in successful campaigns that convinced consumers to pledge brand loyalty. This is the kind of thing we do all the time for clients. We determine their differentiating factors. That “it” factor that when matched with the right messaging will draw in their people out of the crowd.
Interestingly, determining that USP for ourselves has proven challenging. It’s the age-old case of the cobbler’s shoes- easy to do for others, seemingly impossible to do for ourselves.
After hundreds of clients and day-in and day-out projects, it became increasingly clear why we have an extraordinary high customer retention rate and word of mouth referrals.
Two words. Personalized attention.
You see, here’s the thing. Nobody’s business is like any other. Nobody does it like YOU do. Every business has a unique set of challenges, advantages, personalities, all making up the face of the company. And, like any face, there is not another out there that is exactly the same.
So, we feel that unique businesses should get unique attention. There just isn’t an out-of-the-box, one-size-fits-all solution. Believe me. We’ve tried to architect digital marketing systems that can be replicated across businesses, and it just doesn’t work.
We’ve had clients who have used big box companies who have put them into a software program and/or have a sales rep in charge of their account, and in most, if not all cases, the client gets lost in the shuffle.
Over and over again, we hear confused and frustrated business owners lamenting that they don’t know if their dollars are leading to a return. We get it. We’ve all been there. And, that’s why customer service is vitally important to us not only as consumers, but as service providers.
We also feel it’s smart, sustainable business. It’s really quite simple.
You do well. –> You’re happy. –> We’re happy. –> We do well.
And, the cycle continues.
We joke in the office that when clients sign up with us, they need to like us because we’re going to be all up in their business… literally. We feel that’s what it takes.
So, here’s our promise to every client we take on:
We promise to be impeccable with our word.
Communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. We strive to be open, transparent, honest and direct at all times.
We promise to treat your business with the same care that we would give our own (if not better.)
We feel that your success is our success and, therefore, we are steadfast in our delivery, creative in our approach and results oriented. Our processes and methods are designed per client to consistently administer superior care and attention.
We promise to put soul first.
We are a value driven company and adhere to our own company values, our clients’ company values and industry standards and etiquette. Anything less demeans our brand and yours.
We promise to do our absolute best.
We know and are honest about the fact that every campaign runs the risk of not meeting the mark; however, what we can guarantee is due diligence. Through careful planning, expert strategy and maintained attention from start to finish, we can optimize our chances for exceeding expectations.
If you would like to take the next step, grab a discovery session and let’s chat to see if we could be a good fit.