What is CONTENT MARKETING and how can it help me?
Content marketing is an inbound marketing strategy that provides an audience with valuable and relevant material. This content serves to provide solutions for the audience’s problems in a way that is educational, inspirational or entertaining. Ultimately, the goal of content strategy is to establish the trust of your target market and position oneself in a way so that when the customer is ready to purchase, the business providing the content is the first thought in the consumer’s mind.
At Upper Limits Digital, we believe content is the core of any inbound marketing plan. We begin every project by getting intimately acquainted with the client’s brand values, voice, goals, services and products so that we simply become an extension of the company.
Almost all other marketing strategies build off of a strong content strategy: social media, SEO, PR, even PPC relies on relevant and valuable content to work in the best way possible.
We provide a full range of content marketing services including strategy and research, individual campaigns or strategies and full management. Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call to see what package might be right for you.
Content marketing builds trust. When people trust you, they buy from you.
The value of a well-thought out content strategy establishes relationships with your customers and potential customers that will return ten fold.
The Content Marketing Cycle

Types of Content Marketing
Whether for SEO or to offer value to your audience or both, our team of content writers become well acquainted with your voice, your goals and your topics for a polished content strategy that attracts new leads.
Email is still the most effective means for driving sales. We are well versed in the psychology of copywriting for various formats such as but not limited to newsletters, nurture sequences, launch emails and event promotion.
Lead Magnets
Lead magnets are those freebies that are created to capture email opt ins and grow your list. These may include white papers, e-books, audio or video resources.
Video has become increasingly more important to content strategy. Upper Limits offers basic video editing services to complement your YouTube, Instagram and Facebook video strategies.
Infographics are a dynamic form of visual content that deliver data or knowledge in an appealing, digestible and easy-to-share format. They are valuable complements to blog posts and articles, but also make great stand alone content for presentations and social sharing.
Case Studies
Case studies are a great way to present to your customer real life scenarios of how you solve the market's problems. They provide the problem, the plan and the solution, often in a visually engaging way to establish credibility.