Pinterest has undoubtedly become a social media force to be reckoned with and although the buzz seems to have quieted a bit, I suspect Pinterest is in it for the long haul. One challenge is that people are just plain overloaded with social media channels, but many people in the service industry struggle to find the benefits of Pinterest for their industry. Hearing this from various sources, I smelled a challenge, a dangling carrot. So for all you service industry peeps out there, here are a few thoughts on how to rock Pinterest for your business.

Quote Board

Yes, I know social media feeds all over the internet are saturated with photoquotes, but, hey, they’re engaging. And isn’t that the name of the game?! You can very easily put text on photos with factory installed software on your computer or a host of different apps designed for doing just what we’re talking about. Check out Canva for a really cool Pinterest tool!

Contest Board

Having a “Pin-it to win it” contest can be highly effective in building an audience and encouraging repins which ultimately shares a link to your site every time this is done. Create a simple graphic announcing the sweepstakes prize and instruct people to repin for a chance to win a free service. Another way, Pinstamatic can come in handy! Just make sure to addend to your pins description that the pin is now closed once you have drawn a winner.

Video Board

Pinterest isn’t just for images. In the service industry, videos can be a great marketing tool. I often create screencast videos to teach someone how to do something with their internet marketing. This video can then be used on my blog, YouTube, Facebook, and Pinterest. Even if you don’t have the time or resources to create your own videos, you can share any video on YouTube that you fancy and that supports your biz. I would just suggest not using videos that advertise your direct competitors, but you already knew that.

Personal Board

In this age of relationship marketing giving people a bit of insight into your personal interests and activities can be of great value to the overall picture. Sharing can really enforce an authentic connection with clients and prospects in limited amounts.

So, in closing…

You don’t have to spend hours maintaining your Pinterest account, but just create one. A one time 45 minute investment with monthly upkeep of just a few minutes can be great for your social media proof and searchability. And, hey, you might just enjoy it!